
Borrow Formulas

interestPerYear to interestPerSecond

isecond=(iyear)131622400i_\text{second} = (i_{year})^\frac{1}{31622400}

with both iyeari_{year} and isecondi_{second} interest accrual factors (and not interest rates) and where it is assumed that one full year consists of 31622400 seconds (366 days with 86400 seconds each).

Find a sample calculation here.

interestPerSecond to interestPerYear

iyear=(isecond)31622400i_\text{year} = (i_{second})^{31622400}

with both iyeari_{year} and isecondi_{second} interest accrual factors (and not interest rates) and where it is assumed that one full year consists of 31622400 seconds (366 days with 86400 seconds each).

interestPerSecond to interestToMaturity

imaturity={(isecond)Ttif t<T1e18elsei_{\text{maturity}} = \begin{cases} (i_{\text{second}})^{T-t} & \text{if } t < T \\ 1e^{18} &\text{else} \end{cases}

where tt is the current block.timestamp and TT is the collateral asset’s maturityboth expressed in seconds.

normalDebt to debt

d=dnrate1e18d = \frac{d_n*\text{rate}}{1e^{18}}

debt to normalDebt

dn={d1e18rateifrate>0elsed_n = \begin{cases} \frac{d*1e^{18}}{\text{rate}} &\text{if}\quad \text{rate}>0 \\ \infty &\text{else} \end{cases}

where it is assumed that rate1e18rate \geq 1e^{18}.

The following correction has to be performed on the resulting amount dnd_n to avoid rounding errors due to precision loss:

dn={dn+1if dnrate1e18<ddnelse d_n = \begin{cases} d_n+1 &\text{if } \frac{d_n*\text{rate}}{1e^{18}} < d \\ d_n &\text{else } \end{cases}

normalDebt to debtAtMaturity

dm=dnrate+imaturity118118d_m = d_n\frac{\text{rate} + i_{\text{maturity}} - 1^{18}}{1^{18}}


r={pcdifd>0elser = \begin{cases} \frac{p*c}{d} &\text{if}\quad d>0 \\ \infty &\text{else} \end{cases}

Max.debt for a given collateralizationRatio and collateral amount

dmax={pcrifr>0elsed_\text{max} = \begin{cases} \frac{p*c}{r} &\text{if}\quad r>0 \\ \infty &\text{else} \end{cases}

Min. collateral for a given collateralizationRatio and debt amount

cmin={rdpifp>0elsec_\text{min} = \begin{cases} \frac{r*d}{p} &\text{if}\quad p>0 \\ \infty &\text{else} \end{cases}

Leverage Formulas

Min. collateralizationRatio for a levered deposit


where xfux_{f→u} and xucx_{u→c} are the FIAT/underlying and underlying/collateral exchange rates including price impact and slippage.

Max. collateralizationRatio for a levered deposit

rmax={p(c+xu→cu1e18)dif d>0elser_{\text{max}}=\begin{cases} \frac{p*(c + \frac{x_{\text{u→c}}u}{1e^{18}})}{d} &\text{if } d>0 \\ \infty &\text{else} \end{cases}

where uu is the deposited underlier amount and xucx_{uc} is the underlying/collateral exchange rate including price impact and slippage.

flashloan amount for a levered deposit

f=p(c+xu→cu1e18)rd1e18rpxf→u1e18xu→cf=\frac{p*(c + \frac{x_{\text{u→c}}u}{1e^{18}}) - rd}{1e^{18}r - \frac{px_{\text{f→u}}}{1e^{18}}x_{\text{u→c}}}

where uu is the deposited underlier amount and xfux_{f→u}and xucx_{u→c} are the FIAT/underlying and underlying/collateral exchange rates including price impact and slippage.

Min. collateralizationRatio for a levered withdrawal

rmin={p(cΔc)difΔc<c AND d>0elser_{\text{min}} = \begin{cases} \frac{p(c - \Delta c)}{d} &\text{if}\quad \Delta c < c \text{ AND } d>0 \\ \infty &\text{else} \end{cases}

where cc and dd are the position collateral and debt, and Δc\Delta c is the withdrawn collateral amount.

Max. collateralizationRatio for a levered withdrawal

rmax={p(cΔc)dΔcxcuxufifΔc<c AND d>0elser_{\text{max}} = \begin{cases} \frac{p(c-\Delta c)}{d - \Delta c x_{c\rightarrow u}x_{u\rightarrow f}} &\text{if}\quad \Delta c < c \text{ AND } d>0 \\ \infty &\text{else} \end{cases}

where cc is the position collateral and Δc\Delta c the withdrawn collateral amount.

flashloan amount for a levered withdrawal

f={dp(cΔc)rifc>Δcdif elsec=Δcrevertelsef = \begin{cases} d-\frac{p(c - \Delta c)}{r} &\text{if}\quad c>\Delta c \\ d &\text{if else}\quad c=\Delta c \\ \text{revert} &\text{else}\end{cases}

where cc and dd are the position collateral and debt, and Δc\Delta c is the withdrawn collateral amount. It is thus assumed that Δcc\Delta c \leq c and d>0d>0 as the computation would otherwise yield an invalid result.

Estimated underlier for a levered withdrawal

w=(Δcf1e18xuf1e18xcu)xcu1e18w = \frac{(\Delta c - \frac{\frac{f*1e^{18}}{x_{u→f}}1e^{18}}{x_{c→u}})x_{c→u}}{1e^{18}}

where Δc\Delta c is the withdrawn collateral amount, ff is the flashloan amount used for the withdrawal, and xufx_{u→f} and xcux_{c→u} are the underlying/FIAT and collateral/underlying exchange rates including price impact and slippage.

Note that for a collateral asset beyond its maturity the formula remains intact with the difference that the input underlying/collateral exchange rate is fixed, i.e. xuc=1e18x_{u→c} = 1e^{18}.

profitAtMaturity for a levered deposit

g=wug = w - u

where ww is the estimated underlier amount withdrawn at maturity (i.e. with an input of xcu=1e18x_{cu} = 1e^{18} and Δc=c\Delta c = c) and uu is the deposited underlier amount. It is further assumed that the collateral token can be redeemed for underlier tokens at a rate of xcu=1e18x_{cu}=1e^{18}.

yieldToMaturity for a levered deposit

ymaturity={(u+g)1e18u1e18ifu>0elsey_{\text{maturity}} = \begin{cases} \frac{(u + g)1e^{18}}{u} - 1e^{18} &\text{if}\quad u>0 \\ \infty &\text{else} \end{cases}

where uu is the deposited underlier amount and gg is the estimated profitAtMaturity.

yieldToMaturity to annualYield

yyear={(1e18+ymaturity)31622400Tt1e18if t<T0elsey_{\text{year}} = \begin{cases} (1e^{18}+y_{\text{maturity}})^{\frac{31622400}{T-t}}-1e^{18} & \text{if } t < T \\ 0 &\text{else} \end{cases}

Trade Formulas

Minimal amountOut for a max slippagePercentage

as=a(1e18spercentage)1e18a_s = \frac{a(1e^{18}-s_\text{percentage})}{1e^{18}}

where aa is the estimated amountOut without accounting for slippage.

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